You and your students can create Word Clouds to quickly create visual representations of text. For example, this Word Cloud was created from the Digital Learning Team's Mission/Vision Statement.
Ideas for Using Word Clouds
Evaluate Own Writing
Along with the visual cloud that illustrates the prominence of words that appear most frequently, the generators also provide a table indicating word counts. Students can generate a Word Cloud to see which words they are using most frequently in their constructed response or essay in Google Docs or responses to a discussion in Schoology. This can help them assess the variety of their word choices as well as their focus on the topic.Analyze Bias/Perspective in Other's Writings
Word Clouds are also a great way to analyze text for bias and perspective. For example, students can create a Word Cloud from three different news sources on the same news event to compare and contrast the stories for bias. This would also work for analyzing presidential candidates' speeches. As a teacher, you can use it to copy/paste student feedback comments from a class survey to quickly assess student mood/tone in your classroom.Illustrate Text
Word Clouds also make great visual aids to add as images in documents and presentations for student projects and teacher instructional materials.For more integration ideas
170 Ways to Use Word Clouds in Every Classroom – by Michael Gorman
1000 Ideas About Word Clouds - Pinterest
Options for Creating Word Clouds
Option 1: Google Doc Add-On
Note: See this 2 minute tutorial video for how to install Add-Ons.
Option 2: Word Cloud Generator App (website)
On the Chromebook or in the Chrome browser, you can install and use the App to create Word Clouds from websites, Google Docs and most PDF files.Note: See this 2 minute tutorial video for how to install Chrome Apps.
Option 3: Tagul Website
The Tagul Website is another great source for creating Word Clouds that allows you to create much more visually attractive illustrations. See this video to learn how to create Word Clouds using this site.