Sunday, November 27, 2016

New Version of Google Sites

New Google Sites:

Google has rolled out a new version of its website creation tool--Google Sites. While additional features are still being developed, the new version already features a modern interface with drag and drop editing and responsive design that automatically reformats content to fit the device that is being used. This is great if users will be viewing your site on a tablet or phone.

Benefits to having students create their own web sites:

  • increased student engagement.
  • use of higher order thinking skills.
  • authentic demonstration of learning. 
  • student voice and choice.
  • creation of a positive digital footprint.
  • development of 21st century skills (communication, collaboration, creativity and critical thinking). 

Privacy settings:

You can choose to have your sites visible publically or just within your school's domain. Either way, this is a chance for your students to have a wider, authentic audience for their work.


Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Using Digital Timers in the Classroom

Using timers can help us and our students manage our time during the lesson and learning activities. They can also help gamify the learning activities to keep our students motivated. 

This article includes several great ideas for using timers to focus and motivate students of all ages:


Here are some quick and fun options for digital timers:

Google Timer
Open Google and type timer plus the number of minutes in the search box.

Search for and play a YouTube video that acts as a countdown clock.

Option: Insert Timer into Google Slides

      Play video within Slides

For Even More Timer Options . . . .

 . . . and you can Google for even more options!

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Digital Citizenship

Since it is election week, it is fitting to address the topic of citizenship and, in this case, digital citizenship.  

The qualities of being a good digital citizen are very much like the qualities of being a good citizen in general. 

This infographic and publication from ISTE does a great job comparing general citizenship to digital citizenship. The full publication provides deeper insight into each element.

In the spirit of election week, let's commit ourselves to helping our students to become better digital citizens!