NEW in Schoology & Seesaw
Both Seesaw and Schoology released recent updates that might interest you. Please see below for details.
Note: The Schoology update is listed first. Please scroll down to see the Seesaw update.
Schoology: Course Assessment Reporting
There is now a new tab in the blue puzzle Assessments called REPORTING that provides more detailed class data.
When there are at least 5 submissions, the class average is displayed along with a box and whisker plot.
When there are fewer than 5 submissions, each individual students’ grades are displayed as plot points on the graph.
What results are shown in REPORTS tab?
- Class Average - An average of all scores.
- Class Median - The ‘middle’ score within the full range of scores.
- Class Mode - The most common score.
- Negative Outliers - Grades below the lowest quartile on the graph.
- Positive Outliers - Grades above the highest quartile on the graph.
- Last Updated - The time the last submission was added to the report.
- Students Overall Results - List of all student scores.
Click here to see more details about this new feature in Assessments.
Seesaw: Skills View Update
You can now edit the Skills rating scale (3 to 6 stars) as well as the color theme.
- Set Scale and Theme: See video
- Tagging Items and Activities with Skills: See video
You can adjust your SKILLS settings under the Course Settings:
Using Skills View is a great way to collect evidence and review data on students' mastery of standards.
You can attach the Skills to the activities ahead of time so you can more quickly tag the students' work.