Digital reading on a Chromebook or with Schoology
- Embed Audio: Use the microphone icon to record yourself reading test questions, assignment directions or class updates. Students who need to hear the text read to them can click on the recording as needed and at their own pace. (Directions)
- Text to Speech Extensions: Have students use a text to speech Chrome extension like Read Aloud. This can be used for any digital reading, not just Schoology tests, and it allows students to adjust voice, speed, pitch and volume. Students highlight the text they would like read aloud and lick the speaker icon on their extensions toolbar. (Directions)
Oral directions for young learners on an iPad or with Seesaw
- Record verbal directions on feed posts: When posting task cards, notes or images to Seesaw, record yourself verbalizing the directions. Those who need to hear them can click the play button below the image or link.
- Audio directions in Seesaw Activities: The new activities feature in Seesaw allows you to record your directions when creating the activity. Student can listen if needed. Icon cues are also great non-verbal support for early readers. (directions)
- QR codes to access audio directions: Teachers can create task cards that also include QR codes. Students who need to hear directions aurally can scan the QR and listen to the teacher read the directions. Students who are strong readers can skip the QR code and just read the directions.
- Embedded Audio in Buncee: This requires a premium account, but Buncee allows teachers to embed audio recordings on each Buncee slide. By using this feature, teachers can embed separate audio directions for each slide (or for several parts of the same slide), thus chunking the learning into smaller parts. Student can access the Buncee through Seesaw or a QR code. (Buncee help center)
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