Sunday, April 29, 2018

Project Based Learning Step 6: Critique, Revision and Reflection

Project Based Learning Step 6:
Critique, Revision and Reflection

Educate students by checking on their progress and providing suggestions.
Empower students with skills to critique and revise their work.
Inspire students to want to improve their work to levels of excellence.

Feedback for Critique and Revision

Projects often fail when student work is not checked during the process. When the final product is submitted, it is too late. Therefore, critique and feedback must occur at multiple points throughout the process. This feedback can come from the teacher, from peers or through self-evaluation.

When students learn to give and receive feedback (and assess their own work), they become empowered to revise their ideas/products and produce better work.

Ways to leverage technology to foster critique and revision:
  • Schoology: Post rubrics or checklists in Schoology as an assignment and have partners fill it out and sign off on it before students submit it. An idea for a digital signature is to have students insert an image of themselves as the editor. This also works to facilitate self-assessment of work.
  • Seesaw--Have students record their feedback about an assignment using the video recorder.
  • Peergrade--You can use this website to facilitate peer evaluations. Students upload files and classmates are then assigned to evaluate a series of assignments and provide feedback. Students can review feedback given to them. Teachers can see this as well.
  • Screencasting--Students can create a screencast of their critique by talking through their peer review and sharing it with their partner. Screencastify works well on Chromebooks. Seesaw can be used in grades E-2. Teachers can use Screencastify or Screencast-O-Matic.
  • Kami--This is a great tool for students to annotate pdf copies of classmates' work.
  • Google comments--Use the comments tools in Google to pose questions or post observations.
  • Google suggesting mode--Use this mode in Google docs to show revision suggestions. Here is one English teacher's suggestion for adding revision suggestions with comments and suggesting mode.


Students should reflect on what they are learning as well as how they are learning it. During this process, they should also reflect on their project's design and implementation. While some of the strategies above can work for this step, here are some additional strategies and resources to help you facilitate student reflection:

Teacher Feedback

While it is very important for students to learn how to self-assess and provide feedback, teachers should also be part of this feedback loop.

  • Conduct face to face student conferences. If students upload progress work to Schoology or Seesaw ahead of time, the teacher can prepare before the conference.
  • Seesaw: Provide comments on student submissions.
  • Schoology: Provide feedback on submitted work.

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