Monday, June 5, 2017

Preparing for Summer: Schoology, Seesaw and Gmail

Preparing for Summer ☀

Schoology: Save Your Courses (Grades 3-12)
Just a friendly reminder that your current Schoology courses will expire at the end of
the grading term, and you will soon see a warning banner on your Schoology pages.

About two weeks after the term ends, these classes will no longer appear in the course
drop down list, but you will still be able to access these courses in Archives. Here are
video directions for how to access your courses once they move to Archives.

Before your courses move to Archives, you can save the course content to your
Resources area. You can then work on your courses from within Resources over the
summer. In the fall, you will import the materials from Resources into your new
courses. See below for directions:
Note: If you miss saving your courses this spring, you can still retrieve them from your Archives in the fall. It just takes two more clicks, so no worries! 😊

Seesaw: You don't need to do anything (Grades E-2)
The district technicians will prepare your Seesaw account for next year. You don't
need to do anything, but it is important that you do not delete the students
or the class! ☺

We anticipate your current classes will remain active until about mid-August when
they will be replaced with next year's classes. If you want, you can continue to use
your Seesaw classes to communicate with this year's students & parents until then.
Helpful FAQs 📝  
  • Do NOT remove students from your class, delete your class or
    archive your class.
  • If you haven't connected families to Seesaw yet, it's time! Learn how!
  • Connected families will continue to have access everything in the Seesaw
    and are able to export a .zip archive of their child's work. Learn more!
  • For more fun activities to end the school year, watch this webinar. 
Gmail: Set Your Vacation Responder 🏖
Setup Gmail's Vacation Responder to send automatic replies to incoming emails to
notify senders that you will be out of the classroom/office during summer break.