Monday, February 13, 2017

Have students explain their learning with audio/video

There is great value in having students process what they have learned. Students can explain their own learning, reflect on the process or use the recordings to teach other students. Listed below are some readily available tools to have your students record themselves.

1. Schoology

  • Assignment: Students can record their reflections privately using the microphone icon on the upload tab. They can record their thoughts in audio or video.
  • Discussion: Students can share their reflections publically using the microphone icon to post a video or audio response. Other students can also respond to these recordings.

  • Picture & Recording: Students can take a picture of their work and record themselves explaining it.
  • Drawing & Recording: Students can draw a picture or solve a problem and then record themselves explaining their process.
  • Video: Students can video record themselves explaining their learning. 

  • Students can put images and text onto a slide and record themselves explaining it.

  • Students can use this Chrome extension to record their computer screens. They can show their completed work and record themselves explaining what they've done and how they've done it. They can also use the webcam to record themselves instead of the screen. This could be useful for demonstrating something that is offline.

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