Sunday, September 22, 2019

Classroom Management: Organization and Distribution of Your Digital Content

You may not think of Schoology and Seesaw as classroom management tools, but they definitely can be. Use these tools to quickly get your students to their digital activities. This reduces transition time and increases time on task.

These tools also let you differentiate and engage individual learners at a high level which helps to keep them on task. Whenever possible be clear and consistent. Students need to know what to do and how they can find their materials.

Check out ideas for both Seesaw and Schoology below.

Be simple, clear and consistent in how you organize and name folders. 
  • Chunk content (rather than having one long list).
  • Clearly label links and folders.
  • Use a consistent labeling scheme. (Ex. Unit 1: Plot (March 12-20))
  • Use a consistent folder and assignment structure.
  • Add an image and list of objectives to each main folder. (Design Tip Sheet.)
Be simple, clear and consistent on how you communicate directions and assignments.
  • Post these with a consistent timeline (when) location (where) and format (how it looks). 
  • Consider these popular options:
  1. Post daily updates.
  2. Embed a Google slideshow into a page and add a new slide for each class day.
  3. Tag assignments with dates, so they appear on the upcoming events calendar.

Create a system for students to track their own progress. 

One popular idea is to create and assignment that includes a Checklist. Students check off items as they complete them. This works great as a Schoology Google Workflow assignment. You can also use the assignment workflow to have students monitor progress on learning goals and scales. This is a spreadsheet example of how that might look. Students can continually go back to it, and teachers can check in on their progress.

Student Calendars

    • Develop a system to distribute differentiated materials to groups of students.
  • Option: Use a folder system where students choose their own folder based on need.
  • Option: Individually assign folders, so students only see folders assigned to them.

  • Option: Create Grading Groups individually assigning materials by leveled groups. This is efficient and anonymous.

Consider using the Class Code - 1:1 Devices login process. This will allow teachers to assign differentiated activities to each student rather than to the entire class as a whole.
Note: Students will need to sign out at the end of their session.
When assigning activities, assign to specific students only (if using 1:1 login method). This gives students a differentiated playlist based on their individual needs.
Since Seesaw has a nice variety of creation tools built in, allow students choice in how they show their learning. This is a great way to accommodate various learning styles and strengths. Here’s a video from Seesaw on using the new drawing tools.
Clone yourself by recording yourself giving directions and then print a QR code for students to scan. This will allow you go provide directions in a station or independent work, even for students who cannot read. The actual station work can be either online or offline.
  • Record a video using the video creative tool.
  • Publish the video
  • Click the three dots
  • Get the QR Code
  • Paste the QR on a Google Slide, add directions and print!
Tip: You may want to create a new class where you create and store your direction videos.

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